Get your spot!

14 March 2024 08:30-09:30Softhouse Eye-tracking & UX (Co-host IxDF)

Welcome to an event jointly hosted by the Interaction Design Foundation- Malmö and Softhouse in Malmö.

Eye tracking makes your users' attention visible, allowing you to measure where they look (and where not). It can be integrated in user tests and prototype testing. But how does it work? What is the difference between testing on screens, phones, in physical environments or when working with remote participants? What can you measure? And what should you consider when planning your study?

Kerstin Wolf, Product Director at iMotions A/S, will give a practical overview of eye-tracking methods and discuss relevant examples from the UX field.

Get your spot!

Kerstin Wolf
Product Director at iMotions in Copenhagen

Kerstin Wolf works as Product Director at iMotions in Copenhagen. During her studies of psychology and cognitive sciences in Munich, Berlin, and Lund, she worked as a research assistant in various eye tracking laboratories. After 1.5 years in market research, running studies at Kantar Public about political opinion and citizen centered design, she started as a Product Specialist at iMotions and quickly ventured into Product Management.

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Good to know!

Welcome to an intriguing breakfast event hosted by Softhouse and Interaction Design Foundation in Malmö!

We'll meet on the 14th of March at 08:30 to dive deep into "Eye-tracking and UX" with Kerstin Wolf,  a passionate Product Director at iMotions in Copenhagen.

Location: Softhouse (Slagthuset)

The number of seats available for the event is limited, so it's first come, first served! The event is free, but registration is required as refreshments will be served. 

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with us regarding the event, please get in touch with for more information.

Get your spot!